August 6, 2007
As the Parade forms up and starts marching through down town Comox, in the continuation of the celebration of "Nautical Days", Captain Terry unties "The Ringleaders"
mooring lines to the dock, and the owner maneuvers her new boat from Marina, out into the bay, through the channel to pass over the Comox bar, around Cape Lazo where the Canadian Coast Guard and Air Force have Bases set up, and north to Campbell River, which is 33 nautical miles north of Comox.
When they enter Discovery passage no moorage was available for the time wanted at April Point Marina, a fishing Lodge with a fine mega yacht marina. Moorage was secured at Discovery Marina at the end of E dock E-61 in Campbell river.
The town of Campbell river was almost empty of people, due to the holiday. Only a few restaurants and the grocery store were open, most of the people went south to Comox for the festivities of Nautical Days, and the fireworks tonight.